30 DAYS OF DESIGN Ukens tilbud

Om oss/Jobbe hos oss

Jobbe hos oss

Velkommen hjem!

Nordic Nest er i ferd med å bli Skandinavias mest populære sted for design og livsstil.

Akkurat nå skaper vi verdens beste kundeopplevelse og bygger verdens mest motiverte team. Målet er å skape verdens mest lønnsomme detaljhandel – det høres spennende ut, ikke sant?

Vår lidenskap for boliginnredning og design leder oss i riktig retning, og verdiene våre er forankret trygt i teamet vårt. Engasjement og teamarbeid er de viktigste elementene i vår bedriftskultur.

Vil du bli en del av teamet vårt? Vi er alltid interessert i ambisiøse og flinke folk! Ta en titt på ledige stillinger på vår svenske side for å se hva vi kan tilby.


Der finner du også kontaktinformasjon hvis du ikke finner en stilling som passer deg akkurat nå.

Meet Pearl Safari – Intern at Nordic Nest

Upon commencing my junior year in Sydney, I was interested in an internship that would  better my experience in my field of study – International Business. I chose Nordic Nest since it matched my career goals. I’m keen in working for an organization that  undertakes global operational activities. Having spent 15 weeks here, I have worked with  people of different nationalities in a vibrant work setting. 

I was taken under the wing of my mentor, Annika with whom I closely worked with on the  English site. I was mostly impressed with the amount of responsibility given to me within a short period. At the company, I was encouraged and supported to develop my own  Marketing events. Observing what professionals do helped in gaining new insights about the  field. During this journey, I also had a chance to develop my analytical and interpersonal  skills. 

The internship was not only professional but also a human experience. The hierarchy was  very flat, something I experienced for the first time. I would always look forward to the fika  and lunch breaks with my colleagues. From time to time, we had after-work activities such as  dinners and barbeques, which were always filled with laughter. 
I have nothing but praise for all my colleagues, who helped shape this fantastic experience  here. The internship was relevant to my studies and has been nothing short of a practical  and enriching process. It is something that will be very useful in my future career – which will  hopefully continue in Sweden once I graduate.

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Nordic Nest (Bedriftens 997 671 538) E-post: Tel: 210 81 665
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